I see this often and take proactive steps to help patients organize their medications. My go-to weapon is http://www.mymedschedule.com . I had a patient consultation this week in which the patient was placed on an antibiotic, Levaquin. She was also instructed to start taking Calcium and Ferrous Sulfate (Iron). Calcium and Iron decrease levels of levofloxacin oral by reducing drug absorption from the stomach and intestine and should be separated by 2 hours before and after taking the Levaquin. If you have concerns about the timing of your medications or a loved ones feel free to contact your favorite pharmacist. If you don’t have one, please contact Sue at synerxgy@gmail.com.

Complicated drug regimens cause many older patients to throw up their hands. A few simple fixes could help solve the problem, experts say.

Source: A Prescription for Confusion: When to Take All Those Pills – The New York Times