This article is so so so true!
Patients come to the pharmacy with their ’30 days free’ coupon, and come back the next month and have an $85 or more copay for 1 month of the medication.

I am NOT an advocate of unnecessary testing. If the results of a medical test will not lead to any positive changes in your care then it is unnecessary.

This is perfect situation where genetic testing (only need to do once per lifetime) is actually 1/3 of the cost of 1 year of the cost of post MI medication. We want you to be able to afford the medications that will keep you out of the hospital!
Please contact SyneRxgy Consulting at or 513-227-8337 for more information about gene testing and finding the right medication for you.

“As early as 6 weeks after acute MI, nearly 30% of patients report moderate or low adherence to medications, which is potentially linked to increased risk for death or readmission, according to new findings.“Tailored patient education and pre-discharge planning, as well as the availability of continued patient interactions with the health system early after hospital discharge, may represent

Source: Many patients report suboptimal adherence to medications after acute MI